I want to see you grow
The acute frustrations that come with building a brand cannot be understated, especially when traction has plateaued and you’re not getting the attention you want. Knowing that I ease this distress by sharing the load and helping out is a very satisfying thing. It is a privilege to witness brands reach the level of recognition they deserve, and knowing that I play a part makes it that much better.
Brief story of how I became a copywriter 🙂
I was a little introverted growing up. Loved being around people, just needed my alone time. For me, this came with a lot of introspection and existential questions. Questions like ‘why do we do what we do? Why are we here?’. All this can seem like such nonsense sometimes, but it can also be a super power.
I powered through school, doing especially well in maths. I ignored the part of me that wanted to sit back and ponder on life and people. I focused on a conventional path forward that made sense. But when I finished school, I longed for change. I wanted to tap into the part of me that is curious. So I said ‘f*ck it’.
I took time off to do something new….acting. I spent a year understanding psychology and what people truly desire. It was a hell of a year and it expanded my mind a lot. It just wasn’t practical as a career. Two options now. Go back to ultimately becoming a cog in a machine, or go rogue and find something feasible that satisfies the artist in me. I said ‘f*ck it’ and went for the latter.
I was lost for a little while, but after racking my brains for ideas and really evaluating my character…something finally clicked. I wanted to write for brands to help them gain customers, by understanding the humanity of their audience. Bingo!
I’ve now got a business that is thriving all while keeping the artist in me alive. I hope this story inspires you to stick to your guns and have a little faith, especially in the world of business where there’s plenty of uncertainty but massive rewards.
What my goal is with you
Your barriers need to come down, so that people can actually see what you’re all about. I want your audience to effortlessly connect with you, and this is only done with careful and appropriate wording.
Ethos, pathos and logos are three rudimentary components of booming copywriting. While I focus predominantly on sentiment (pathos), my vision with you is for each one to be as healthy as possible and perfectly balanced out. Once achieved, customer acquisition becomes a breeze.
Key values that i bring to the table
I don’t work for you. I work with you. Strong communication and transparency is something I prioritise. This makes it easy to establish a professional yet amiable relationship between us, setting the groundwork for success.
I love what I do, so there will always be passion behind the work. If you’re not passionate about your work, I believe that makes it very hard to go the extra mile and achieve success you didn’t think was possible, that’s why it’s so crucial.
This is my most important value. Without accountability, it is impossible to grow and evolve. I take the highs with the lows, and everything in between. With my clients, I consistently hold myself accountable for doing no less than my best possible work.
When I work, I like to take any guards down that prevent me from being genuine. I value connection… therefore I value authenticity and truth. In my head there’s no other way to form unbreakable relationships.
This links back to passion and accountability. ‘The magic is in the work that hasn’t yet been done’. I love this quote and it reminds me to never settle for something sub-standard.
It is impossible to find a process that works flawlessly at the start. I believe learning how to adjust strategically, with faith, is one of the most important factors when it comes to seeing unwavering progress.
A random self-Q&A…
Where did I grow up?
I grew up in Brighton and moved to Lewes, a town near Brighton, when I was 5. I have stayed in Lewes since then. I’ve been to school here and played different sports growing up such as football and tennis at local clubs.
Any hobbies at the moment?
I’ve got a few things I consider pretty fun and borderline addictive. The ones that instantly spring to mind are surfing, snowboarding, boxing, chess, piano and taking Maple out for a walk (pictured right as a pup!). Surfing probably tops the list though, nothing beats it.
One cuisine for the rest of my life?
Thai of course! Nothing comes close, apart from maybe a good Chinese dish… or Japanese… (wish Asian food counted as a singular cuisine to be honest, I’d take it all).
Morning person or night owl?
Definitely a night owl. It’s impossible for me to hit the hay at a reasonable time. I just continue with my day through the night, until I get tired!
No strings attached
Would love to get to know you a little bit.